
part ner


My daily task, first job each day -

to take another breath and lay

my wasted air (with CO²)

upon the breeze. Lift self up too..

Lift self to cross where lifted high

it certainly is doomed to die. 

Christ on his Cross was there enthroned

and drew all men - since love atoned.

And all who were not drawn are dead

(though all who were drawn were dead too,

but resurrection’s overhead

& can be trusted to re-new).

So drawn to him the source and spear-

head of the life which trusts the God

to do again, and deeper, near

to where he is, and where he trod.

As man & woman make a new..

new creature as they intertwine;

this t-wo-man has so much to do

they must confer, with words, or mime.

Or else as brain’s two hemisheres

both need the whole, keep other near.

So I recall I need to keep

my self connected as a sheep

to shepherd, who knows what’s the need

and both are needed; as is seed

for land to grow some plants as we’d

like soon to see. No need to plead.

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