
dearest of the lot


Dear One who is the dearest of the lot,

the one who gives us glory to show off -

not shared with diff’rent members who each got

a bit of glory, to share like a cough.

Not just a quite distinct commodity,

that's sep'rate from ourselves, something we own,

but part of who we are at core, so we

won't  lose it. If we choose it, we'll be known

as such, and then can choose to serve as well,

and bring more light of love into this world,

until there is no room here for the hell

we otherwise might bring, and see unfurled.

The glory of the story of the un-

conditional and positive regard

that is the source of glory (& of fun)

and comes from life that's loving though it's hard.

It's not for any single individ-

ual, 'cept it be the Father of us all -

and Father God it seems has had a kid,

or rather "lamb", his child whom he would call

to share the fam'ly glory, which is made 

to emanate as love is shared between

the parents, children, lovers, who would wait

& watch, to spread God's glory in this scene.

So as the glory of this God is Christ,

the light that's sent out by him to the world;

and as the Christ sent us out, saccrificed,

his glory spreads in us, and grows uncurled,

like little flags of fern shoots that bring more

such ferns into the world with spores as well,

so God's good life was living, way before

he made up time and space, and we brought hell.

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