
the heavens reign down - like this ... Jesus!

(spoken in a land which has been the bridge between continents (Africa, Europe, and the MIddle East/Asia), warred over, and possessed, and re-possessed, for millennia)

The ruling of the heavens is like this:
a treasure hid (millenia ago
maybe upon a battle-field & missed
by looting teams above who didn’t know)

is now within a virgin piece of land.
A farmer hires some local labour there,
or someone leaves the road (to squat or stand,
or shortcut through) could be a stranger where

he visits fam’ly, or is trav’lling through,
but either way he stumbles on a “find”
that seems to be by accident, no new
designs by folk who had it in their mind.

Somehow it is uncovered to his view
(the plough hits it, or else a gully’s washed
the dirt around, or when he dug to do
his job, he then uncovered it). He quashed

it straight away, and hid it back - no moans!
Determined not to “give away” the news,
he gladly goes to sell all that he owns.
His joy and focus is upon these “do-s

& don’t-s”, as he conives to buy that field.
He’s willing to endure his “loss of all”,
and even to pay more than crops would yield
on virgin land that’s not been cropped or walled.

He does these things, and maybe even folk
think he is simple, as he pays what’s asked.
But Jesus says that treasure & that bloke
are somehow like the reign of God, that’s masked.

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