
Jesus’ Parable of a Great Feast (Luke 14:15-24)

Another guest at table [who heard most
o' what he said about the use of “feasts”
and parties, for the invitees and hosts;
and 'bout repayment of the “greatest”/ “least”

at “End of Everything”; the Brand New Start,
the Party of all Parties, Celebra-
tion!] said to Jesus, “Happy true, are hearts
of those who’ll sit at feast where God partakes!”

And Jesus said to him, “..There was a man,
who giving a great feast, invited man-
y people. When the time came, he began
to send his servants out to tell the men

and women he'd invited, all his guests,
‘Come, everything is ready!’ Now's the time!
But they all then began, to make requests
for leave of absence, reasoning sublime..

And after one, another made excuse.
The first one told the servant, ‘I have bought
a field and must go look at it; don't use
this as a point against me, for I fought

quite long and hard to save, and gain this field.
And do not pity me, but know “I'm good”!
So, here are my apologies. Please yield.’
Another said, ‘I’ve bought a new car, should

I not now run it’s motor in? You see,
I'm sure, that I am bound to follow through
on such a big investment. Excuse me.
And please accept apologies - if due.’

Another said, “I’ve JUST got me a wife,
so for that reason I cannot come there.
You understand, this is a change of life.
So in apologies - accept our pair.”

The servant then went back and told all these
to his good master who was furious
and told his servant, ‘Hurry to alleys
& streets within the town, bring "spurious" -

the folk who're poor, and crippled, blind, and  lame.’
So soon the servant said, ‘Your order’s done, -
been carried out, sir, but if it's the same
to you, there is more room still, ain’t this fun?

So master said to servant, ‘Go out to
the country roads and lanes and help them come
in, so my house will fully be full. You
know, of “invited guests” who'll taste? NOT ONE!’”

*   Luke 14:1-14

Recalling the “lesson” at the end of Matthew's similar rendition of (this, or another of)  Jesus’ story(ies): “Many are called, but few are chosen”, I just understood the possible humour in Jesus’ way of using the common terms for God's "called out of the nations", and "chosen" people. In these two of Jesus’ parables, the called are the invited guests who were called on initially, - and they “miss out”.

“Called” are many.
“Chosen” not many!

In an ironical play on words and meanings (similar to ol' Jonah's, with his 5 word  sermon), the “chosen” are those who “have chosen” to respond to the King's will, above their own desires!
[Reminds me too of Jesus’ Ambassador, Peter's, words: “Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body has finished with sin. As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for human desires, but rather for the will of God.”  1 Peter 4:1‭-‬2]

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