
How does one "make disciplined learners"?

Thinking of a friend who has given gladly of God's life within her, and been betrayed by a friend as close as Judas who betrayed Jesus “with a kiss”. Continuing to learn to live openly and givingly, as God does with us, and to appreciate the ambiguity and un-knowingness which questions^ help lead us further into [while, at the same time not precluding that we can come to know^ more deeply, in the personal sense].

One, Carer, bearer of three children now,
had had a taste of that before somehow,
in giving living water (milk, sometimes)
to children of the God who loves these rhymes -

with sounds around some place, that “come again”,
in fashions diff'rent-ly, with diff'rent “when”.
They're “ordered”, but not “bossed” at all you see;
they're found, and were once lost, but they be free.

Authority origin'ly not come
from rule, but ruler; who, though Number One,
ain't just a “bust” of Architect who'll  think.
But more a door into a world, a drink,

or food (not rude, but intimate enough),
like mother feeding her own body’s stuff -
her milk (the ilk of food and drink in one),
in order to grow up her daughter/son.

But not for what she can be given  back,
to get some “slaves”, who'll help where she has lack.
It's true, ensuing things will come to be,
but some are goals*, and some desires*, see!

To name the same god, “El Shaddai”, might mean
“destroying pow'r, to overthrow" it seems
"and crush”; or else "the many breasted one"°,
it's ambiguity appears well done.

Thus he could be our sustenance and source,
in what we do, and other ways^ of course,
as Carer's giving of her living self,
in sharing life with friends - in sickness/health.

*  Using Larry Crabb's helpful distinction between “goals”, & “desires” outlined once again here.
°  "El Shaddai (Hebrew) explanatory sites one, two, three,
^  To share our selves fully is to share our UN-knowing, as well as our knowledge, our questions “as well as” our answers, maybe “more than”. e.g. from a Jewish writer (with my response to a few of his comments) :  The necessity of asking questions; from an educator, Chris Gribble's poems Thinking early in 2018, and When I Wonder, later in the year; and from a promo blurb for a Christian leadership author Todd Wilson's book on Questions.  A beautiful book that further explores this kind of knowing we long for is To know as we are known, by Parker Palmer. .

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