
Wes brought a second lot of planks to help unload Brett's truck. Here's thanks!

Wez Wez? Wez, Wez!
A note from Paul,
father of Milly,
offered (though small,
and maybe silly):
just 2 say thanx
for those 2 planx
offered by U
a day or two
back B4 now,
and that somehow
God used Ur gift
(though 'twas not took)
to give a lift,
as in that book,
with the 5 K
people that day:
'All had enough -
and more 'vthat stuff
left over 2!'
What did they do?
(I wonder now)
- left-over grub!
Wandered around
and picked it up.
Well, U've picked up
left-over planx,
still wander around
for drinks, with thanx.

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