
in dependent streak.. or "make straight a way for him"!

in dependent  streak or 

"make straight a way for him!"


Talking with a mate Tuesday arvo about our propensity to think that once we boil it (any job, task, project, life) down to the working principles, 

WE can "just do it"; 

which might be true; it all depends on our world-view... 

are WE "with God", or "without God"?

I might be bad (& that not just a tad),

but help is on the way! So I can say

that I am glad whenever I be sad,

if that can draw, me back once more, today,

to you, my GOD, my heart, remade to beat

in time with yours, and now because it's sweet

with joy that's tasted, as your boy could see

't coming more, eternally and free-

ly given, from a heart that puts in fruit

a seed that could be planted and take root(!)

then going deeper, put up higher shoots

until the seed is multiplied. A hoot!

Some thinking more, on what was said before:

My independent streak.. can't just be tweaked!

It's dire. But my sire/ coach ain't weak.

And if he sticks around, then I am bound

to get better, and better. He's a freak!

Are you my God and King, my counsellor -

the one who's bothered ev'ry time I'm hurt?

Do you, like Bob, let ev'ryone know your..

your mobile number? "They'll treat you like dirt."

Like dirt! I say. Our human race is cracked.

We're broken down, and need road-side assist.

It feels like you'll be wrung out, and not backed

up, you'll be like a spare tyre, ..only missed

if we're in trouble- like we have a flat.

The worst thing is that I am one of these!

I'd like for this to not be where I'm at,

but I've described me well, it seems to me,

such that I here can say, confess, our plight,

yet still be in it, here today, tonight.

My need is clear. It's like I've got some blight.

And you, great Doctor, you can set me right!

If only I will share my plight with you,

and not lay off, embarrassed, cov'ring up.

Then simply take my medicine, as you do

dispense it to me, and then not disrupt,

but yes, revere(!) - and see it's life & death.

At times I see this, soberly and clear.

Without you, and your knowledge, with your steth-

o-scope, but also just your friendship dear…

..I'm stuffed! In all the worst sense that is me!

But I am holding on to your clear word.

I never need, again, to ever be

without you! That's the best thing I have heard!

Halleluyah! Amen & amen.

Post script

Txt2me: Hey, Hope things have been fantastic. ...

Response: Well ... learning to be grateful for the many amazing gifts I've been given, instead of sulky about some disrespect from some kids in a class where they feel trapped.

A big process. But I've got an expert personal-trainer who is intent on helping me get there! 

That gives me the most hope.

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