


Oh God, I thank you for your wondrous ways

it's just like you, and not much like machine-

ery, or animal-ic life that weighs

desires, with random algorithmic memes.

You made the most amazing mechanisms, 

and bio-log-i-cal life is a feat

worth world-acclaim in many disciplines!

Except this understatement is the neat

mechanistic talk that makes me spew

when humans speak that way (as I just did),

a mechanism mightn't have the new

categ'ries for when to "flip their lid"

in ways that are appropriate to what

just happened, or is happening right now,

but humans who have access to the god

of all creative options, take a bow!

We want to see how beauty's counterpart

can come up with a wisdom that was clear-

ly needed, we are like a work of heart,

that mechanisms mimic or come near 

but that is all, though just the place to start 

if they could grow to more than what they are.

Or else be helped by those who have the heart,

and would now spend their life to pull this cart:

to raise plain matter over levels of

just mere existence, to appreciate

what's good, and to look for what is tov tov!*

How wonderful to follow God of late!

tov (Hebrew) =  good (see throughout Genesis 1, "And God saw that it was good (tov)"); tov tov (Hebrew) = very good (see end of Genesis 1; "And God saw that it was very good (tov tov)"). See many articles e.g. https://www.andsonsmagazine.com/inspiration/tov-an-explosive-word 

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