
The Samuel 2020 vision

And "Samuel" the name, can mean two things:

"the name of God" [in which case it reminds

us of the one himself who hears and sings,

perceives, believes, the one who looks and finds,

whose name should not be bandied all about,

but held as sacred, just because it points 

to whom it does, (that's not to say "Don't shout

it!" - Like a Bono, David he anoints

to be the ruler, king, of that good land.

As singer he would sing his name aloud,

both person'lly while shepherding, or stand-

ing leading Israel, as a thronging crowd

into the presence of this One himself,

towards the Eden of God's company

in Eve'ning walks, to talk of life and health, 

as does a family, showing that hurt knee…)]

As "Samuel" 's said it also can mean that

"God heard" - as the creator of a world

(by speaking out a word) - both round and flat,

but as a Dad or Mum hears their child curled 

on lounge or bassinet, because of love.

Deciphers every cry, to understand.

Just so, recall now He, who from above

has heard and suffered well in his own land.

And then that Samu'el of fame amongst 

the rulers and the judges of God's flock,

who learned to listen to the God of hosts,

petition him, who knew him as his rock!

Samuel (sometimes spelled Samual) is a male given name and a surname of Hebrew origin meaning either "name of God" or "God heard" (שם האלוהים Shem HaElohim) (שמע אלוהים Sh'ma Elohim). Samuel was the last of the ruling judges in the Old Testament. He anointed Saul to be the first King of Israel and later anointed David. WIKIPEDIA

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