
mooring goodness...

Oh God you've scattered goodness 'round about
and now you've shared the best bits with your kids,
we get to share with you, the pain, and shout
with joy as you tra-va-il. So we did,

and now we get to see things t'other way
around, about, from your side of life here,
where knowledge is not stuff that we just say,
but loving service, so life will appear,

and grow from weak, and ignorant, with needs
that's just absorbing all the love it can,
to strong and pow-er-ful and like those steeds
that take, and make more powerful a man

or woman who will ride on them to do
whatever must be done in God's good world.
But also with a magic that will move,
enab'ling Good and Love to more be hurled

out into this wide universe, as does
this God who never stops his work that's good,
except it be to multiply and such,
and spend time with his children as he would.

And now that ou-r children are with child
another generation's coming on.
Oh God, none who would trust you get less wild,
but get more life, & wisdom, and get strong!

I think that I can only see that you
are who's to blame for things as good as this!
And in the chaos that floats by here too,
I'm anchoring on you. You're not remiss!

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