
"She'll be right" tourers..

Well thank you for your friendship over years,
for looking for the best.. amongst the rest
of me. I spent a day, some time arrears,
with someone very like me. As a test,

I now see, showing up, my immature-
ity, and also formative of life
& love, now that I feel what will endure
(along with what will not) amidst the strife

and feelings not of trust, but of great frust
- rations of my bacon that are half baked.
and takin's of my takin's that now must
be re-distributed to those I taked

from. Like that dirty tax-collector bloke.
I never felt much like him. But I am.
A dealer in those things that pull and poke
to make a mechanism cov'ring sham.

Not burying, as dead but keeping still
the once remembered properties of love,
the movement at a whim to good that will
keep propagating more of what's above,

beyond; but here below - on this here Earth.
Oh, God, i can't yet see you face to face,
for i am still a blastophere, no birth
has yet occured on earth amongst our race.

Or so it seems to me, from whom i met,
and eyeballed with these eyes I thought could see.
(Now I see they're a metaphor to whet
my knowledge that is true of love. Of "we".


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