
love you

I'm yours my God, do with me as you will,
and if I need to suffer more, to be
more like my Lord and Master, to be filled
with love and kindness, grace; bring it on me.

Except, please let me tell you, that I'm weak,
I'm scared that I will just "cave in", and fail.
But I don't know a better coach to speak
of, so I'll trust your judgement to prevail.

Oh, that's the kind of judgement you are best
at, knowing all my hist'ry in detail,
& lovingly you formed me, I'm your guest
within this world. I'll trust your love to sail.

And when I think of your love - what it's like,
then "of a sudden" I would rather be
associated with you, as your tyke,
for even when disabled, I am free -

to live in love that never will give up^,
to see each obstacle as just "a test",
or challenge, chance, to grow more, so live up
(one day) to who my father is. You're best!

For more than coach of me, you are my Dad,
and I your little child, so weak & small.
Your DNA* is in me - that's not bad!
Inheritance that sounds like it is "All1."

But best of all, within your Universe,
there's "khesed" that's not fake, your loyal love,
where-ever it is growing you're its nurse-
sing mother, 's well as "father up above".

^  1 Cor 13:4-8

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