
kind 'v power

The Lord said to me "Paul, my grace is all
you need." (An access to my presence, and
my help within this troubled world, to fall
with grace, displaying trust in one "at hand"

yet still invisible, but plainly here
within the one who loves and prays for en-
emies. This is the sign of something near,
accessible, yet only known by them.

That is the ones who love - because they're loved.
They have the eyes to see love when it's near.
And strain to see it like a homing dove,
decending to its home. They make a cheer!

They know the power of God is more than "ours".
But unlike pow'r that's "of this earth", instead
of "making people do his will", his pow'rs "make people"
who choose. He woos. He's aiming for the head,

or mind, and heart and soul, and all we are.
Not so we're over-pow'red - or else we're dead!
The pow'r he has is like a living star,
a sun of fission/fusion - his khesed!

So I will celebrate, my weaknesses.
His power's shown when I, in weakness, trust
& look to him, and hear his voice that says
"My power works best in weakness!" Now I must…

(not in a way that's forced, or been "controlled")
I want to let creative love grow strong
in me, till all my trait'rousness is rolled,
and I am what You hoped for all along!

The Lord said "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness"!! So I will celebrate, my weakness, for when I am weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.  2 Corinthians 12:9. (PM Version)

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