
--- another year eh?---

Well, “Mate-os” you are one great oaf, and yet
you're getting older ev'ry day you live.
Experience like yours can't just “forget”,
so wisdom grows, if mem'ry ain't a sieve.

There's those who think you live a life that’s charmed,
and then at times you see just what they means -
when “evil” has lashed out, you've not been “harmed”:
been punched, rammed, shot, hit, rolled, and stroked it seems,

an “endless” list of maladies hit you,
and though you're hurt and injured, still well healed.
But pain still lingers, sometimes you are blue.
You know that bitterness and hatred wheeled

like vultures over-head to take their “friend”,
they seemed to aid against being annealed
for you'd not s’often, bend to them at end.
So “good” ain't been the only thing you feeled.

But on the other side you know the pow'r
of what you give yourself to think upon,
The d'rection of your thoughts in ev'ry hour
effects the ending of your whole life's song.

For melodys of songs are the “high notes”;
the focus of it's end is not just “where”
upon a scale, or scales; it’s end connotes,
or is connoted by a stepping stair,

and “..whether it is going up or down?”,
and “.. at what pace?” might make a diff'rence too.
So “Mate-os” I am glad that you're around,
and thanks for all your thoughtfulness. Adieu.

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