
wait on

Wait patiently for The Lord. Be strong and brave, He will give you courage. Yes wait patiently for The Lord. Psalm 27:14. (PM Version)

O my soul, fretful and scared,
wait patiently for The Lord -
for one who has showed he cared
in the past, he is not bored.

Like the woman of a man,
God will do ten other things
(while the man begins to plan).
"Offers" - good, but then "Waitings"

- must be done quite patiently
for the partnership to work.
So it is with God & me;
he's the helper, I can't shirk

my part, to wait patiently
so our company is blessed,
when we are together he
does the Work, I do the Rest!

But partnership of this kind
is not your average business,
it's built on Love (which ain't blind)
it sees more than the world does...

So such pictures from this life:
"husband-wife", or "parent-child"
help us navigate the strife
as loveless business grows wild.

So we can be strong and brave.
He will give you courage too - 
wait patiently & behave,
for The Lord is right with you.

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