

A friend, was driving peacefully, & was hit by another car, head-on. The other driver was under the influence of a chemical instead of a human spirit trying to contribute goodness to the world, and had hit two other cars already, had an unrestrained toddler in the car, was unlicensed, and didn't stop. Chaos!  My friend had many damages to arms & legs, and has been in one hospital bed for the last 2 months, in pain, with many lovely people helping & many hours of operations all of which is aiming to work along with God's gift of a self-healing body. But there have been great difficulties along with this. Like what? Try to imagine. Or else ask her. She might tell you, though it is hard to even talk about them. I think she might want to forget them & move on!

Ah, not mush good - her legs have been for months!

Except maybe, for keeping her in bed,

in one small room; so no need for those hunts

to find Michelle. May she find heart instead!

Yes "heart"! You think that suffering and pain

can be a portal to another way?

Well, all the people who inspire retain

some scars of suffering, or still today

continue in some suffering, still now.

Oh God who's present here and now as well

as there & then, when pain is gone somehow;

you brought your presence even into hell

when Jesus conquered death after his shot

at telling us the way forward has hard-

ship, suffering, and pinned to one small spot

we'll be bossed round & made to walk the yard

with no account that we would rather not.

Can it be true at all that we signed up 

for following a sales pitch like he got

to spin to us? When he drank up that cup

and asked, like David who had gone before…

My God, My God.. forsaken's where I'm at(!

though I know that you hear me now for sure)

What's most important to us in this spat?

The understanding of our own; or your

own friendship, and capacity to change

a hell into a heaven, as before

when chaos then was ordered and arranged…

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