
First and "last" (great Son of Adam)

How would the human world, that's by and large-

ly set up from that independant streak

that Cain established. Not list'ning he'd barge

off on his own trajectory, to peak

in killing his own brother, rather than

the stinking rotten bit of his own self.

He killed the neighbour round him, as you can

with concrete stuff around you. Abstract "health"!

How can you side with that and kill this thing

that like a roaring dragon (fire, scales, claws),

is resident within each self, called "sin".

It doesn't have a body. It claims "yours" -

by making me a slave to kill off you.

To steal, to kill, destroy - that's its own way,

its modus operandi; one, then two.

It claims its name to make it big, they say.

It wants its name (or the name of its son -

its happy making offspring into pawns)

to be remembered, kept and known as one

that has the power. That's how it adorns

its robes, to signify its majesty,

it's rule, and way of keeping itself "safe".

For safe it surely doesn't feel you see;

invisible, a brutal power, a wraithe

is harboured  somewhere here within this world.

But God, and humans looking-on, can know

an act of love, for motive's often curled,

perceived through actions, more than words that flow.

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why that scowl on your face? If you had done the right thing, you would be smiling; but because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but you must overcome it.”...

Genesis 4  vs 6-‬7GNTD

..but the world must know that I love the Father; that is why I do everything as he commands me. “.. John 14:31

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