
Who holds the reign is relational,.. not just personal

(A good bigger picture, to motivate good bigger actions, under God's good, bigger reign.)

Based on Matt 5:3-12

You're really lucky, you should know, just when 

you realize how poor you are in what's

the most important thing in life, 'coz then 

the reign of Heaven's life is yours - in pots!

How lucky those who lose most precious ones 

& mourne the loss (for they aren't unconcerned); 

for the most precious one has now   begun

responding to your small response. You'll learn..

..to know that comfort in your loss. Your turn 

as comforted by who's the world's most mourned -

the one whose sorrow caused his heart to to burn

with pain, full comfort's source - so now be warned! 

How very bless'd are those who claim no rights 

for self (who push not their own selves & wills) 

for all the Earth (from its depths to its heights) 

will be their own. This God's promise fulfills!

How well provisioned those whose hunger, thirst,

from lack of all that's good & right & true.

Our hunger/thirst makes us responsive first,

then open to be satisfied by who

is Source of all that's good, and right and true. 

For this you can depend upon, your aid 

& clear provision is at hand for you

are open to God's gifts (not to be paid)!

How well looked after, who absorbs all ill,

& seeks not justice - more than mercy gi'en. 

They've opened up the hose-line, they'll be filed 

themselves with mercy - as dew comes from hea'en.

How happy those who keep their motives, hearts, 

so pure & true that they won't compromise. 

The hope of all humanity then starts 

to come true: They will see GOD - only wise!

"Looked after" & secure are those who work 

to bring the peace that God engenders too, 

the outcome is so good it seems berserk! 

They're called God's sons & daughters -  & it's true.

How happy, & too shielded, very bless'd 

are those, whom this world kills & sets at nought 

because they act so rightly as God's guest 

- the whole of heaven's reign is by them caught!

And when this world insults you, that you wept,

& gives you trouble - just because you're mine.. 

Rejoice then, sing & shout (rewards are kept

for you, where they won't dwindle over time)!

This is to be expected, so he said; 

just look at all God's prophets who spoke out 

God's word within this world. Though mostly dead,

& un-app-rec-i-ate-d, they'll not pout!

["It comes down to it that there's a much bigger picture than what you see in front of you" (as shown by our culture & society?) Fabian Corio]

Thus, some metaphors for seeing more!

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