
Thank You to the G.S.L.F.S.*


The concept of a sacrifice that's off-

ered to a God, creative love, like you;

was round before a temple/ tabernacle

was built by humans, so a friendship true

could be established, and then tended, grown.

For God, as Gard'ner, loves to see good fruit,

and loves the process of the tending, shown

by planting seed, and cultivating shoots.

Then with the Gardener image, Shepherd comes,

to guard a flock of sheep, all known by name,

whose specialty might be, though they be "dumb",

to turn the grass to wool, and milk the same.

And then the Lover image comes along,

with thrill, and secret times together too,

but spilling out to sharing life and song,

as partners who would share whate'r they do!

This Father then joins in to raise each child,

with secret name for each, he knows each one.

He understands potential can run wild

if it's not disciplined, each daughter/son,

could be a source of grief, and mourning too.

We see you've grieved and mourned before we did.

So blessed are those who mourn; they copy you.

You're full of joy as each of your kids slid

back into home from running off themselves.

The Fam'ly Spirit seen in diff'rent ways

in all who own their fam'ly commonwealth,

comes out in every action each displays.

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