
Is it smiley or simile? :)


Well, all of life is like a simile.

Its parts relate, abound, with "meta" for

there is a realm above; hill tops can see

much further off than valleys. They see more.

For matter matters much, and ev'ry state

with properties that vary, holds the key;

the Plasma, Gas, & Liquid, Solid, spate,

and how each one relates to energy,

is what allows the higher place to see

much further than the lower one can do,

where higher / lower places can still be.

Most solid matter cannot be seen through.

Yes, still we can see under, over, 'round.

To see around an object something has

to move (or miror), for sight's not like sound.

To see under or over, "space" (or gas)

must be below / above, where light can pass

to let you see some matter further, yon.

The gravity of matter gives our class

of words for over, under, down, up, on.

The valleys on the other hand are lush,

for water trickles there, and silt has come,

along with silt the seeds of plants get washed

and they grow quickly, thickly, well, that's some.

The states of matter interact with light

and other energy, to hold or let

them go their way. So we can see, or might,

with open eyes, if light is shining yet.

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