
i' sis de way it is?


To Shell, ol' gal - or is it still "young one"?

Is sixty still that number that we knew

a little while ago, when in the sun

of Tropics, where we grew up with friends who

knew like us, that if ever we got there,

to 60 yee-ars old, then 'old' we'd be,

& nearly at retirement, so beware

of any birthday quite near to "six-ty".

But here we are, quite close to it and yet,

we can still walk, & hobble up and down, 

remembering that sometimes we forget,

we've learned to talk while smiling - with a frown,

to indicate recalling "name?" and "time?"

and "place where we would meet?" and "texted / phoned?"

These atoms that our bodies borrow rhyme,

since they've been "by some other bodies owned".

And ev'ry time I see you, in this life,

I'm glad to catch up - tiny bits we do.

While knowing that we're not exempt from strife,

I'd like to see the sixty year old you!

So Shell keep holding faithfulness and love,

while seeking understanding, and grow "young"

in heart and attitude, what's "from above",

that good gifts are still seen, and maybe sung.

So thanks for doing what you could as well,

to help our Dad, & Mum, in aging too.

Oh God, please save us from bringing more hell

into your world; and to grow up like you.

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