
each new question asked & begged; when one has been soundly egged.

Well eggs are tiny immature birds 

(or reptiles, or marsupials, as well).

An immature embryo - I have heard

some say - with food stores, stuck inside a shell!

But mostly they are also kept inside 

a nest of some sort to protect the young, 

and often this has openings not wide,

or else above,  or buried some-how strung 

up high, or low, or "both", to make it hard 

for predators or passers-by to squash;

and sometimes mum or dad stay in the yard 

nearby, if not on top, and keep a watch.

And strangely eggs have hard or bony shells 

and embryonic foetal creatures live

inside with food and drink for those who dwell 

within and air can seep through like a sieve.

But some don't often think that eggs do breathe;

the breath of life must still enter those shells.

Inside a little universe as we've 

grown here within our own - as some  can tell.

Some eggs are plain, some speckled, some are flecked, 

some white, or grey, or beige, some coloured blue. Some are affected by stuff in the nest,

they have some shit on them that others do.

But when those tiny schizmic cracks appear,

these tiny little universes soon 

will each have done their job. The time is near!

And baby critters show up as a boon.

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