
walk-y gawk-y talk-y. Unbaulk-y.

TXT2me: Let's go for an exercise-friendship walk, weather permitting, soon.

Ok. Let's see. God if you please, do lead

us and effect the weather so to make

it possible for us to walk, and read

your mind, since you gave it to us. Awake!

We would be wide awake to you yourself,

and to your hopes & dreams for this ol' world.

Please give us grace from you, the source of health,

& life, & love, where all that's good is curled.

Please make your shalom-thriving, so to be

the case in these few lives that you own here.

And help us to be carriers, with grace,

of it, to all the people we draw near

to in this place that you have sent us to,

and at this time where your big plans have traced

their threads through hist'ry, as you're wont to do.

So even though we've never seen your face

(& sometimes when folk did,  they didn't know),

we find that you have made our minds, and loves,

to see, and know, in other ways that go

much further than when folk could feel the shoves

of crowds who would mistakenly not brush

as each one there was straining to get near,

but in their none-derstanding somehow crush

the others who were glad that he appeared.

So if you want us, Lord, to walk beside

each other here today, please help us to

be tuned into the fun of when you hide,

& seek your heart & mind. Keep going too. ..

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