
sickness, healing and death..

Hi, Here is a request for a friend’s family. A young family faced with 

1-The7yr old daughter has just been diagnosed with throat cancer and the Mum went to look after her in a capital city. 

2-Then Mum collapsed, but not with exhaustion as first thought, but a virus in heart muscle, and may need a transplant- she’s in icu sedated in a different hospital. 

3-And for dad with 3 other children and grandma in hospital with the sick daughter.

Thanks, Sandy”

Oh God, we ask for you to heal these sick

folk, help this fam'ly in their time of need.

How can we join with you who is so quick

to listen, look, and hear their cry in deed.

I s'pose that one thing you have done is send

you daughter Sandy to connect with them;

do now help us to pray, act as a friend

of you, and them; as your children would tend

to see people and things as you do too.

We'd love for that to be true of us who

now name the name of Jesus as we do.

Did he give us authority from you?


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