
Sabbath Song

Shabbat Song

(In telling God's Narrative to our hearts)

*  We play,

   we rest,

   we do not work,

   for God loves us..

   We say 

   "We're blessed!", 

   we do not shirk

   responding to such love.

We know such love brings pleasure good, that multiplies itself.

Its nature that would treasure would not ever lose its health.

It doesn't have a need for other energy, or wealth.

Its energy comes from itself, as seed that grows in stealth…


We trust in his provision, to enable us to do this.

Mostly, but not only, through our work 6 days a week.

His sabbath is provision for us, seeding lives like his.

We know from his creation, his word brings on what we seek. 

He separates, then fills the gap. Ah, matters, what he gives!

What comes from his own mouth's the sap that grows each tree from start.

His breath of life's the "mouth to mouth" that makes the dry bones live.

His kiss of welcome, and his word, sings us into his heart.


His strong commands are there to shower "deep joy" from above.

And they are outcomes of, and lead us into, that great love.

Actions from that love, with love, for love, through love, are loving.

And love brings its own energy, that differs from our "shoving".

This love calls us to do much work not "for us, or some rule",

it's what love does to let belove'd know they are "really cool".

So when we do the work of love, it's not for us at all,

and it is good to do such work on th' Shabbat of the Lord.


*    (this time, music, but no pre-made words. With timing, rhythm clicks, vocalizing sounds, humming, to enable melody, and harmony; to copy the Creator Spirit/Breath/Wind who made space for us to Come into, & See, and Hear. Thus hopefully to enable participation via body language, & non-worded sounds, or, freshly worded sounds)

Links to the 2 podcasts from BEMA: 

i) on the Eastern mindset (which is where the Hebrew mindset is more aligned and coming from),  (Introductory things; https://share.fireside.fm/episode/7HMQ5AvZ+uvhkAqod  ) and 

ii) Examples of this from the first biblical narrative (episode 1: Trust the story; https://www.bemadiscipleship.com/1 )

with more on the mindset… especially the Rabbi's  aim, goal, and way of teaching that was exemplified by Jesus (this bit starts 14 min into it at:

https://www.bemadiscipleship.com/1?t=838 )

《And the second podcast gives away that secret, hidden, (but like a present that is wrapped, to be uncovered) goal of Genesis One. It exemplifies the practice of loving & wise parents and teachers throughout the ages: it starts with love that trains through practice to understand, & ends in love that practices understanding》thinking about this, led as one thing on to another, to this …

[I actually think that the Hebrew mindset seems to me to have in it the seeds of the best of the Western mindset, with the introduction and maintenance of WISDOM as a valid asset to move forward with... (the tree of the knowledge of Good & Evil aka "& you will become wise" was God's, not the devil's. It's just that in God's garden the other trees gave (some of) their goodness to humanity by "eating their fruit", this one was to give it by "NOT eating the fruit" (especially, when they desired to).]

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