
re.: Mark (my words) 13..

TXT2PW: Righto, I've got a poem on Mark 13 in the oven....I'll let you know when it's done. …  It's cooked, here it is.. http://shareinhowmyfairin.blogspot.com/2019/07/mark-words-from-chapter-13.html?m=0.  ...were too many words to fit into a text..

Chris, wow! I think that's Epic! Job well done!
Good choice of epic speaker to a group.
A group who'd silently and swiftly run
around the world to bring Kingdom [no coup!

-  except the violent overthrow within
each person; girl or boy, or woman/man,
of ways of thinking, acting, which begin
to bring about more of what A.* began -

that independent living, "choosing" from
our independent power-base "so called",
in order to bring life that's not just nom-
inal, or virt-u'l]. This speaker's enthralled

more humans who are coming off "the skids".
To get onboard, they have to, yes, they must
go back to where they left, and start as kids,
or better still, as lambs who'll learn to trust

a higher form of life, who'd feed and care
for, from within its own life, like a mum
who gives her body's strength and love, breasts bare,
to feed her babe, to help the growing come!]

This kind of Epic coaching that's from love
can never come from other motives (they'll
betray themselves, and in the end they'll shove
when they feel they've encountered a betrayal).

And epic speech! - About epic events!
The passing of old ways of doing life,
that angle for a-genders, which hell-bent
leave empty. It's a new way through the strife!

*  where A. Is the initial(s) of the exemplary leader of humanity who being good, though immature, then chose to try for maturity without the process of disciplined learning under a good coach. He then lost his chance, until the Alternative Leader would come along and spell out a new, and living way forward. The Epic Leader who is the speaker here in your choice of a speech.

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