
faith functions

A friend from a Muslim background said something positive about someone known to me whom he had met the other day, and wondered if they had faith.

This got me thinking etc. about what faith is... this is the result so far. Feel free to adjust, differ and to comment..

Our FAITH is our responding loyalty
to who and what we have believed before
it sort of helps us live above the sea
of i-de-as and contradicting lore.

And so it is important where it's based
for it sets our direction and the course
of where we then end up, or think we're placed,
how easily it leads life, or is forced.

Good Faith of which I speak brings confidence
for further living, as it is proved true,
we won't believe because we want it, hence,
we'll only hope for what there's reason to...

But still there's need to step out boldly to
meet each new future with these hopes in mind
and faith helps here if there's another who
works with us yet is not bound inside time,

especially if we're part of a big team
and others who we trust have "filled us in",
then faith gives us the bright capacity
to live with certainty 'bout what's not seen.

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