
Follow That Fellow!!

Jesus said "if anyone wants to be my follower, you must deny yourself and take up your cross daily and follow Me. 
Luke 9:23 (PM Version)

We fix our eyes on Jesus, the true champion and perfecter of our faith. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame and is now sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. 
Hebrews 12:2 (PM Version)

Jesus said "if anyone
wants to be my follower,
you must deny yourself. Done
that? Well be a cross goer.

- daily cross-ing; - my own will
this won't just cause "crying out",
sometimes crying IN until
my separate will - without doubt

is no longer it's "own" thing.
This the core of all the best
that religions try to bring:
will I let my own self rest

and cease to build it's kingdom.
Let My Purposes go by,
claim no more "My Hope", "My Dream",
but the will of who's "on high".

What a ghastly way he went
to the highest place of all.
Like that bronze snake that was sent
higher than the camp - on pole.

What was that he said to them?
Before "look at...", "remember...";
first is "follow... - me" so when
(from Jan until December)

we fix our eyes on Jesus,
it's so our feet can travel,
while mind is having sezures
just trying to unravel

the stuff I've heard & seen now,
in company of others;
obeying truth I've somehow
seen with these many brothers.

This true champion, who is too
the perfecter of our "faith-ing",
came and showed us how to do
hard stuff - while joy's awaiting...

Disregarding all the shame,
he sits at God's right hand now
on a throne, with his own name
tattooed across his fore-brow.

Bring 'im ON! Marana-tha!
God, send us now your leader.
He's the one, our big brother.
The good Shepherd & Feeder!


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