
Beth & Bevan, en route to Heaven

My Father, my Mother,
a husband and wife,
more than any other
I owe you my life,

and so do my 6 kids
(or "lambs" that they are
- no longer "billy lids").
Glad you're together.

And glad you opened up
more to that great love.
You have been like a cup
filled more from above,

as we all drink from you
(and you gave out well),
time, money, strength to do,
and stories to tell,

as well as attention
when you listen to
us, and all who'd mention
their stories to you.

I'm glad Beth's my mother
who's been with us here
for this yet another
hard but love-filled year,

and Bevan my father,
you've both kept your word
to - keep with each other,
- "hear", more than "be heard".

I think your time of quiet
(each day you have it),
even when you pry it
between each visit,

must set the tone for where
you're heading your life
together, as you share
as husband and wife.

I hope we can share too
more with you this year
as we all more value
each sigh, and each tear.


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