
A brother prayed for us in our weakness:

Thank you dear brother.
God is doing well
his work: another

of people growing
Love, against the hell
of puffy  "knowing";
His life, that can tell,

lives to tell the tale
to others who hear.
Relationships sail
over seas of fear,

and come home at last
where there's welcome smiles
and there's great repast,
against all the miles

(or kilometers)
covered all the while
we keep no debtors
with no tricks and guile,

except the one debt
which we have to all
since He "lost his bet"
and his Nard was poured..

Oh, may it not be
wasted here on me,
in my responding
I will learn from him

who asked "Why do you
bother her she's done
a very fine, be-au-
-ti-ful thing 'n' won

a name that's loyal,
among all who've come,
it may really smell,
but smells of that One!

Your prayers were incense,
that our Father smelt,
and gave us a sense
of a tightening belt...

before you'd do things
(kneel, or walk, or run),
hold or eschew things
to bring a "lost son".

Thank you too Father
for your pro-tection;
nothing I'd rather
than your affection..

sometimes through others,
other times just stuff;
fam'ly & brothers
and times that are tough,

that he predicted,
must come since he's true,
not derelicted.
Glad my bro is you!

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