
simple time management tool...

Have a look at this..  http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/book.html , it can be paper based...(with downloads (free) on the above website), or... there are many apps that help to do it...

Makes sense to me, & seems to be a general tool, rather than one tied to any particular job. Though it may only be suitable to some kinds of jobs. Seems like it will be good for me doing tax invoices & assignments. I guess we'll learn what it is applicable to, as we go.

Thanks, Lord, we'll use
such simple tools,
since now you choose
us to be "fools".

Fools for the Christ,
the childlike one,
with whom sufficed
Father's "Well done".

To use well his
time, & his stuff,
knowing it is
never enough

for this broken
world to love and
to hear, folk can
not understand,

what he made clear-
"He is no fool,
who lives quite near,
under God's rule"

For Love's great game
turns wishes to
commands, the same
as genie's lamps do.

I think we'll see
how tomato
timers can be
part of "the show".

Paul W.,
Cornerstone Comm-
-unity, who
points where we're from.

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