
Waking the dead…

If he who’s God of god's, and Lord of lords

is present with me here, though human eyes 

this side of that day when “new birth” affords

us eyes and brain together which supply

some new capacities to new humans,

who’ve come out of this life which is our womb 

and start to really “see” and understand

so much in world more complex, so that soon

our brains and mind and our whole beings too

will be at home in world much bigger then.

But best of all, our Lord said we’ll see you.

He said “..the pure in heart …will see God!” When?

The future tense, is all the hint he gave.

But it was just as certain for him then

as sleep is to a body, (death & grave

we say are certainties) - some time, but “When?”

is quite opaque to us, as now a babe

is unaware of when it falls asleep.

It's body “knows”, but it learns to behave

in ways that can anticipate and keep

it’s cool about unconsciousness that comes

upon us all, we learn to happ-il-y 

relinquish our control & doing sums,

we let our bodies rest, and minds be free.

Well, since I’ve learned this process, as a child;

it’s not all new to me, yet must be spread

in voluntary ways. Your life is wild!

My old approach is what I now call “Dead!”

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