
Gloriously going forth..

(First-Draft Audio song with piano)

We see that God's at work amazingly.

Dear Father, please help us know how we can

join in with what you're doing that we see.

It's fun for ev'ry woman, ev'ry man..

who comes to  know acceptance of what we

have offered up to you, because of love,

(and not man-ip-u-la-tion so we’ll be 

more loved by heaven), it’s all from above.

Then there are times when we seem quite mechan-

ic-al, with roles to play and when we do

from love, instead of lesser motives.. Man,

we find we’re growing up to be like you..

Oh what a wondrous thing to know your goal -

that we would grow up to be like your Christ -

and that one day, we really will be whole,

because we're joined to him whose life sufficed

to make the changes from creative love

that put this world together at the first.

Its fun and games are seeded from above,

its griefs (with rains of tears) both best, & worst!

Love asks not “What do I feel like, & want? 

But focusses on truth, more than desire.

It’s OTHER centred, chooses dif’rent fonts, 

and focuses on what’s deeper, or higher.

“What do ‘THEY’ feel like, - and thus want, - & NEED?

And how can I affect and serve this one?

Their needs, their feelings, & their wants - are seed…

they’re seed considerations, start the fun

and games, and bring the spice of life to bear

on all our choices, and experience too.

It sets the scene and helps us focus where

we’re likely to find out, see how, & who.

Oh God, you’re good. Your plans - the  best I’ve seen!

They’re deeper, better, longer-lasting too.

Your hesed* love’s a way of life, its dream

enlightens life, so waking hours renew.

hesed the Hebrew word for committed altruism, born of honouring one’s word, and one's neighbour as one’s self.

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