
Honour, humour,

on a human quest…

My calling as a human's best expressed

not in the words of mechanism, though 

they be involved in ev'rything. I'm blessed

with more than a reptilian mind so

I'll oversee a world of things, to bring

some aspect of the Father Mammal's care,

protection, and provision kind of thing,

instead of just the male's impulse to pair.

And humans more than other mammals have

capacity to then objectifine* -

not just for self to get about and nav-

igate, for filling up desires of mine.

We seem to have this penchant to do more,

so often times will posit bigger things

like ideologies to serve, & score

for, as a master, or as underlings.

And if I let that side of me then rule

I sink to a reptilian mindset.

And "human" is defined to be a "fool",

a Homer (not the Greek, but who forgets).

A homing pigeon, or the telly-show

a father figure cartoon-ish one who

still longs to be in charge, and a hero,

but other forces impact all he'll do.

I s'pose the choice we might still have is what

we choose to let us impact most, and who

will be our figures farther back. My GOD,

what shrine will I do homage at? Who'll do?

*   objectifine: I use this word as a compound of two of our chief desires, or at least things we humans often do, to objectify, & define; both of which are probably necessary aspects of the task of naming, nomenclature, and connect with our capacity to use the WORD (which is a tool to either box or describe, to control or empower, to en-noble or debase. Who has not experienced both aspects through the use of words?).

The most important word has not been heard

in this po-em-ish thing-o here above

(@ least what helps me redefine absurd

things, as sex can be when it's not for ….).

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