
F.U.N. day

Fun's Unusual Nature

Humanity, as an image of something more glorious, is a bit like drawing a portrait of a person [with a good portrait, most of the time is spent looking at the person, and only secondarily at the picture], or the light of a faint star [it is recognized, or perceived more easily when you don't focus on it directly, but on something else away from it]…  or our experience of "fun".. 


…. Meanwhile the search for meaning in a mechanized (& spirited) universe continues...


I'm sure you'll be able to navigate your way  through the maze of life, Paul - just be sure  to have fun doing it!


It's been true... it's been too much fun! (I know it doesn't seem fair. So... I try to enjoy all the fun others are missing out on as well). 

The only thing that seems sure, is if you grasp for the fun, it flows through your fingers. If you don't, it goes solid, and you can pull yourself up by it...

[the opposite of very watery sand].


Easter Sun day

Easter Sun Day!Way…

(spoken, recorded version 2, version 3)

The modeled trust and love of Good Friday,

was vindicated, shown to be "spot on",

when not just one good person, but a spray

of folk who had known love, saw him quite strong,

not mangled and emaciated, and 

bedraggled, close to death himself, from loss,

with more than normal ways to move, at hand -

from one they saw, last week, die on a cross.

Still confident and sure of himself, yet

aware of 

  • all their insecurities,

  • their needs to learn (and then to not forget),

  • their fears, 

    • that could lock-up, & almost seize,

  • or goad them to determined dogg-ed things

as blood avengers have sometimes been known 

to do unto those who they saw (in rings) 

as perpetrating an'mals round a bone.

  • their needs for food, and space, and journey too,

to let them process things, and start off fresh,

  • & finally a job, good work to do

to start a brand new culture off, enmeshed

with this ol' world, but starting a new day

of loyal love, embodying on Earth,

& in the heavens. 

We'd all like to say, 

as messengers of his cartell; "New birth",

or maybe "New creation" has arrived!

He's speaking it at first through this message

he's given us to spread (while we survive),

with his own spirit's help, his wind's  "breath" age:

He is the one who started off the end

of all the stories good, that ever were.

He said the time is come, it's up, my friend;

fulfilled, enacted, to this pointy blurr.

The danger, problem, complicating thing,

the threat to goodness ever winning out,

is soon to be revealed, and then its sting

will do its worst, and that will be allowed.

The very time when everything  seems lost,

when God himself seems absent from the scene,

will be when he is closest; swords are crossed

or maybe worlds in tandem for a season.

And if we want his leadership, well  now

is just the time to wake up to yourself,

and let the spirit in this man somehow

join in your life, and give you his good health,

in time, with tasks the doctor gives to do.

For that's the thing, he wants us to join in,

& let this new creation start in you

(& me, it's us) together. We're his bling!

So, firstly all agendas that you had

(for moving things ahead, or fixing up) -

Let go of them! Look up. He's your new Dad!

And trust him with your life. Drink from his cup!

His rising up, from death, & from this Earth

to heaven, to be made the human one

in charge of ev'rything that has real worth

is proof that he himself's our Way, our Sun!


Well hield...

Txt2me: … The cold is just not going away so I am not great value right now..

TxtFroMe: Rats.. Double rats! -this morning it appears that i'm getting one too… Beginning of a sore throat, puffy eyes…. A fellow from table tennis got a viral infection and was yesterday likely to die in the Orange Base Hospital.

Oh God, please heal us by what-ever means 

you want, be that exchanging these bodies

for indestructible ones, or redeem 

some systems, parts, or processes of these.

We mean, we'll trust your choice. Though often-times

it's true if we can't see where things lead to,

we fret and fuss and panic, not sublime

scintillating grateful trust in you.

That's where we need a heart of flesh, not stone,

to pump the life-blood of your love around,

and draw our mind and heart back to their home,

to GOD - most treasured friend and partner found.

Well, he'll do what is best. Our job's to trust

and still be open 'bout our needs and wants.

And make request to God, as we from dust

become aware. Not all kids are savants.

We'll do the best we can, and won't compare

with others - what they have & how they grow.

And learn to see the good around us where

it is, and when it comes to us, to show

our gratefulness, some way appropriate

to what the gift is and to how 'twas gi'en.

Oh God, the gracious giver who we set

as sounce of all the GOOD come down from hea'en.

And part of your great gift.. More like "the whole"

is that you give your self to us to be

our partner, as a brain's halves share one soul

or "nephesh"/ neck*, that makes for one body!

soul or "nephesh"/ neck, the Hebrew word for "soul", with distinctives, though often translated into Greek as ψυχῆ (pseuchē) (e.g. Deut 6:5 LXX, Mk 12:30 SBLG)

humanity - the body of a bright spirit ....

They somehow stood out as a likeness of

authority and creativity

from love of life. You wouldn’t think of pov-

er-ty, they struck you with some bright glor-ry!

Their mannerisms, and approaches to

an opportunity or problem that

might come their way, might often remind you

of love’s designs. The way they wore that "hat".

Their loves and longings, curiosity

and motives which just natively impelled

them was the best you’d ever hope to see.

As phantom limb- it’s kind of like a smell -

declaring something that you don’t yet see,

because a world of shadows, virtu’ly

exists through coded models in us, we

might posit coder’s work in us rightly.

They stood-in for the maker of the whole

she-bang. A heritage which must go on.

Thus destined to grow into such a role,

their need to grow up might never be gone!

They stood up close to where their parent was.

They’d often share the stuff of life with Dad.

Dependant on their partnership because

they recognised the outcomes as “not bad!”

And sometimes training still had to occur.

They had to learn “the good”, not from afar,

but choose in line with whose view can see fur-

ther, and who knows a lot more, ’s where we are!

And though their “eye” is blind, within their head

as member of a body that sees more

they get to be so pleasured; “pleased” was said

by who empow’r’d and energised them for

the task that they’ve been given in the whole.

They’re made to stand up, and stand out as well,

and proudly, gladly keep full in their soul

the life, or blood that keeps them from the hell

of impotence to bring more smiles down deep

inside the lives of their connections close.

And loyal love is what might make them weep,

or sob, from wound with separated flows.

”..And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. 

God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind and the cattle of every kind and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. 

And God saw that it was good. 

Then God said, “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild animals of the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” 

So God created humans in his image, 

in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 

God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” 

God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. …

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. 

And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.“ 

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭24‬-‭29‬, ‭31‬ ‭NRSVUE‬‬


A mate will wait, till 't's well to sell

Thanks for your reply.

Oh God, please give them grace to  finish well, 

the job of stewarding that farm & block.

And ways to be a blessing, against hell

and all its influence designed to shock

folk into fear or anxious worrying,

or just to blindfold, or stop up their breath.

Help them in joyful trust, not hurrying,

to love more with your life, that conquors death.


The Word of God..

Oh God, you give your Word to calm our hearts

from beating anxiously in fear and dread.

Your word to us by definition parts

from breath, though carried on it, from your head.

Or maybe we just lose perceptions we

might have of how your wind or breath can be

still there within a mind, where we can "see",

and spirit morphs to motive, hopes or dreams.

Your word fills in, and helps us know more than

is there before our eyes. We get to have

the mind of Christ, the only true hu-man,

& too to see the secret things and nav-

i-gate a world of knowledge higher than

the world of facts & figures, tick boxes.

We get to know as friend, this God in Man,

the Word of God is knocking. A knock says

"If you'll invite me, I will enter in."

It also says, "I've not knocked down your door".

I've given you capacity to sin,

when I made you my child. Now there is more.

If you will listen to the word of God,

and try to understand, in partnership

with me, your other hemisphere, that's got

Capacitiy to see, perceive, not flip. 

If I will keep the word of God in me

and live it out obediently from love,

and keep my word, as you do, we might see

more of the kind of life that's "from above".


Luke has.. many things to say & do & chew (on)


Well, Lucas, as I sat this morning down,

on lu, cas I would have turds buried well,

you walked into my mind, but had a frown,

or maybe some disquiet. I couldn't tell.

I thought to ring you, feel I want to wring 

the water from the dish cloth - that's full wet.

But I am not the master. That's the thing.

If he will use wet dishcloths, then I bet

he's slightly "crazy" from love for the cloth,

or might the glasses need to air-dry too?

And twenty other options to just sloth,

but love is in the mix, in me, in you.

I'd love to chat more mate. But haven't got 

a "reason" I can think of so to do.

Except that this is sabbath rest with God

to talk with friends, to dream, to think, to chew

the cud of truth, reality, and stuff

that's come from love's own creativity.

I'm thinking 'bout the gospel, which is tough.

I want to be teamed up with more than me.

Delighted by the scriptures. He's enough!

The one they speak of, and the one who sees

what happens on the lu, or bike, or rough

times in our heads, & hearts, or with weak knees.

I know you're prob'ly busy when I'll call,

so leave the phone, but whisper up a prayer

connecting us together in those small

and unseen things, seen by the God who's there.