
Oh, I love you Yahweh, my lord, & my GOD!


Your ways are higher (& deeper, and broader, and fuller) than ours, and I will praise you!

Please use this body to inhabit here 

this Earth of yours, that you said was so good.

And when I happen to look up, and hear

the sound of Yahweh walking, may I, could

I still go walking with you? Enoch did!

Now I've been caught within your "trap", and I

would gladly follow you. Yes you are hid

within this world, where people love to try

this godliness with great contentment too.

But I would not just try to copy on

my own, for that's a dead end "way to you"

It really is uniting that brings song

to come & be together, in your house,

the one you've gifted special-ly to us.

We hear that you are quiet as a mouse,

and say to us to eat you up. No fuss.

You say that we're your home. But that's absurd.

(Except that I am husband to a wife,

as such I know your own statement. That word-

's been said to whom I love more than my life)

I hear from your good prophets* I'm on track;

I'm learning to live deeper in your self,

and let you deeper into me, and back

& forth, just as true love would bring good health.

The pictures in this world are mysteries

they're portals, gates, or doors to other realms.

I'm trav'ling with you, through the heat and freeze,

in partnership, though you are at the helm!

1Kings 19:11-13, Zechariah 4:6; Hosea 1:7 (Hebrew, +4 English translations, + 4 more English translations) heeding, responding to, taking note of, the promptings of God (the presence of God, the breath of God, the gentle whisper of God)

The sound of a gentle whisper. 

Not by might, not by power, but by my .. (sheer silence followed by my gentle promptings).. says the Lord.

Yahweh, creative love, was about to pass by 

.. (please don't pass on passed us, or pass over us, your presence is our salvation from our insanity and falling shortnesses)

We ask you to heed this our request: 

Please help us to heed you.

Soft heart, soft voice, soft eyes.. 

Psalm 46

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