
good & true ..


I thank you Lord, for these folk in my life,

and thank you too for sending me to theirs.

Adventures are admixtures, with much strife,

disasters, sickness, - limits that impair;

on t'other side of things there's pleasures too, 

with culture's sense of humour, fun, and tasks

achieved, and given, so to serve those who

you've sent us to (sometimes no person asks),

& goodness-es to see, wisdom to  glean, 

& rightly to admire, sometimes receive,

with understanding, insight. Knowledge teams

with stuff like that. And this I do believe.

And as I grow, and understand the way

of things, and see the challenges ahead,

it's fun, and needful, sometimes hard, I say

to keep on being disciplined, instead

of throwing off the traces I don't feel

like foll'wing through on now (above that all).

I'm glad that sage sent words of wisdom, real

and true as me and you (& one is Paul):

"No grown-ups ever spend time where they'd spearn

to - where God is! For only immature,

small children will live under, look to, learn

from who is over them.*" This would insure

their growth in this adventure (some call life),

but same goes with dimensions on ahead,

since what that good wise sage said, like a knife

will cut both ways - bring on; & leave for dead!

*  You probably already know who that is, & can give a quote or two of that sage's words.

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