
Love lives!

God please help me to learn throughout this day
to live within your view, look up - to pray.
So even if there's nothing I can say,
communication's happening that way.

I love it when good friends are sharing life.
There are times when it happens with my wife.
For though commodifying may be rife,
a deeper friendship chops it off, as knife

chops cheese, and throws it down the hatch.
Commodities are meant to be dispatched,
Not taken in as virus to be patched
to DNA, a model that is matched,

to ours so closely, that we cannot see
distinguish-ing appearances, so we
can target it, or not let it be free
to commandeer, but maybe, just may-be

each cell (that's not a blood cell) in our bod
still has the DNA of us, the lot;
and could be used to re-get it by God. 
He's not constrained by come backs that we've got.

Our little hoard of pictures we can draw,
of sty-l-ized imaginings to more
or less (seems often 'less', but I'm not sure)
keep up communicating, but "What for?"

if sure and certain, love is lost somehow.
They say it's like the Tazzy tiger now.
But I saw it, one day, and will not bow
to all that is not it. I'll feed it! ..Wow!

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