
raised up... [part a]

“And it shall come to pass, when your days are expired and you go to be with your fathers, that I will raise up your seed after you, which shall be one of your sons; and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build me a house, and I will establish his throne for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son: … But I will settle him in my house and in my kingdom for ever: and his throne shall be established for evermore.” 2 Sam 7:11-14

It seems to the author, that when YHWH-God and his prophets spoke of  “the anointed raised up by God”, this phrase ‘raised up’ would likely be taken to mean ‘established’ or ‘set -up’ by all but those who were post Yeshua’s resurrection. The Apostles then in retrospect understood their master’s comment about the Son of Adam: “three days later he will rise”, as further interpretations of these prophecies waiting to be fulfilled by YHWH-God’s intervention into history, in a sense no less miraculous than what he did in the Exodus, the Exile, & the Return. The Gospel records of Jesus’ actions in ‘raising up’ others [e.g. Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:31), the demonized deaf-mute boy -who looked dead (Mk 9:26f), and Lazaras (Jn 11:11-48) etc.],  may then act as hints, or poetic foretastes, of this bigger more permanent, “raising up” of this ultimate “Anointed One”; as the Apostle Peter comments during Pentecost: “David died & we have his bones”, in effect we have one greater than David here, this “anointed one” is raised up never to die again (as is put by another New Testament writer: Heb 7:15-17), and can then pass on this life to others (1Pet 1:22-25).

And you shall know me,
know that I AM - THE
Creator, that’s he
whose love makes meaning;

she gives her body
for food to her wee-
ones; who know they’ll be
nurtured as they feed.

From whom poetry
and songs are sourced free;
like a beaut fruit tree
(and in fruit’s the seed).

I’ll raise up your son
from a seed in one,
(as your father’s done)
until he has won..

*won growth from one cell,
  this tree never fell!
*Won right to rule well,
*& heart of his gal.

*I’ll raise up your child
  so he’s not “dropped wild”,
  but trained till he’s styled
  as “slow to be riled”.

So when I said “raised
up”; who thought of praised?
This "pup" may be dazed,
don't assume he's crazed!


more than civil wedding...

..Janine and Dave are having their civil marriage and are really excited about it!

The Man said, “Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her Woman for she was made from Man.” Therefore a man leaves his father and mother, embraces his wife, & sticks to her. They become one flesh. Genesis 2:23-25


Adarm said "Wow! Man! She
is from a part of me."
and something's missing when
she is away, but then

a bone of flesh appears
whenever she comes near.
So he called her "Wow-man",
and then the quest began...

The Adam therefore leaves
his own father/mother,
embracing his own Eve
sticks to her, not smother-

-ingly but supporting,
helping her to flower,
fruit that's from their sporting:
true humans with no power

but the strength that love is;
accepting, responding,
comes from up above his
(and her) head, it's bonding

strength is second to none.
"The two shall become One...
Mist-teary-us being,
that is, through love's seeing!

No longer just 2 selves,
One fam'ly, with some shelves..
Play your part, to learn love,
overseen from above.



the direction we head in will take us further that way...

The enemy is a thief, his purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus' purpose is to give us a rich and satisfying life, an abundant life 
John 10:10 (PM Version)

Our enemy is the thief,
whose purposes are not true,
he may begin for relief,
but purposes grow, they do!

The thief starts "willing to steal",
(instead of requesting help,
not being willing to kneel
to love in another self)

maybe because love has died
in (part of) themselves before,
now they will likely have lied;
later, to hide they'll do more.

For, if they're caught, they might kill,
in case they might be ashamed
(I know that sometimes I will
do things to save being named)

then, they might even set fire,
or try to destroy remains
of what shows them a liar
or thief, if others had brains.

Contrast this with a shepherd,
who treats a sheep as a friend,
fights it out with a leopard
to provide water, and fend

off danger, give green pasture,
help the flock care for their lambs,
while he says to them "cast ya'
burdens on me" - the "I AM" 's.


prepared & equipped ... ... through suffering abc

Because Jesus Himself suffered much while living in a human body, even temptation, He is able to help and provide immediate assistance to those who are being tempted and exposed to suffering. Hebrews 2:18. (PM Version)

- he really does!
- help those who are
in need, like us,

-in need of help,
weighing up cost,
feel weak, and tell
of feeling lost.

Will I accept
this assistance?
Who loved and wept,
not only danced?

Oh God my needs
open me up
to you and deeds
that fill my cup.

True, you give "pain"
(as a good gift),
but then again,
you also lift

up, and give joy
drenching and full,
both bold, and coy,
halo-ed like wool,

brings a soft/deep,
and insulates
(hints of a sheep)
- denching relates!


life mirrors LIFE

... Eliz meeth died friday midnight  Paul m.

... Dear Brother. (thanks for the message, just found it)

Thank you God for life,
for the life of she
who reflected rife
good courage to we

who remain "in womb"
(within this Earth round)
by responding to
goodness that she found

in that man - her Paul,
& in her children;
each smile, & each call,
that tried to "give" when

it came from her face
to those that she loved,
& when she embraced
help from up above.

Oh God, who gave her
that body she had,
you also suffered
in it, with her, bad.

And we see she learned
like you, to see good
in your lovely world
where ever she could:

a camelia,
cup of tea with friend,
when one came near.
Broken things, you'll mend.



mind fixed..

Thank you Lord, that you have promised to keep me in perfect peace when I trust and keep my thoughts fixed on you. 
Isaiah 26:3 (PM Version)

God that's just like you
just like what you do,
the way we are made
(it's cooler in shade),

when we set our mind
on you, we will find
our priorities
are goodness and peace,

and we aren't so fogged
(maybe eyes unlogged)
your light gives us sight,
your love makes life bright.


No Hodge-Podge!

Russell up, up and away...
Please God, may this dear brother
like leaves that rustling play
music, that wind don't smother;

more like a wind instrument,
blown by God's breath (or spirit)
away in great merriment
dancing, murmuring (hear it?)

praising God under his breath
praising good - over the top
glad that God's life's more than death
& that his love never stops...

Thanks God, for your provision
of all his legs & his arms,
You are THE great physician
Please keep 'im safe from all harm.


what a gift: self-healing ..... body lift: soul reeling!

I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the LORD. Jeremiah 30:17a  (PM Version)

Most people
have bodies
that bin healed
from disease.
ONE who gave
us bodies
will too save
food for these.
But it's not
"him or us";
he asks: "What
is the fuss?"
He offered
second, third..
place in it.
Our Father
wants to share,
or rather,
help us where
we can grow
up to be
what he'd know
from his dreams
of us when
first conceived
way back "then",
he believed
in us so, 
he brought to
being, glow,
me and you.
No-one else
ever deals
life and health,
and then heals 
without trick.
That's why we
"Thank you" - quick,
and slow too,
any way
that is true,
we would "say".
Thinking now,
of him who
led the bow-
-ing to you.
Oh, oh God,
he watched out
for your nod,
never pout-
-ing himself,
list'ning quick.
Take this elf,
else I'm sick,
off the shelf
(you're a "brick"
and his wealth),
heal him "quick" 
-open ears,
and too eyes,
so he hears,
and espies
what you're doin',
to join in
with heaven,
making friends.