
under-standing of truth

On today's Father's Day picnic put on by my daughter we started considering Bonhoeffer, a German who was executed by Hitler a week before Germany's capitulation, for his involvement in a plot to overthrow Hitler. He lived through two World-Wars.
Then of Germany the home of much Christian Theology & creativity with people like Bath, and Bach. Christianity that was supposedly following the teaching and life of Jesus of Nazareth, who taught people to live in the Creator's love & reflect that to others by turning the other cheek, laying their lives down, praying for their enemies etc , & yet a Germany that was the instigator of two World-Wars.
Lastly we thought of the story of this creator God who saw humanity as baby gods, the children of God who were meant to grow up to rule God's world with the love and care of God. When he appointed his model human as leader, the very "chosen people" of this God (who had been given just and fair laws and humane ways of living and caring for the world), would not receive him or accept this "stranger", and crucified Yeshua . . . who (claimed he) was the path (to God), the truth (of God, that God is not just a force or principle, but a person and personal), the life (of God, that celebrates relationship and peace, and trust, hopeful ways forward, hesed etc)

Not closeness to a roof
but "under-ness" to it
's what keeps you dry in truth.
This carries much more wit

than one might think at first
but history's littered with
the lust for power, the thirst
to live as gods whose biff

will fix up all that's wrong,
will make the wrongs turn right,
and bring on salvation
with no pain, overnight.

Not closeness to the truth
but under-ness to it
is what forms a "dry roof"
and shelters more to wit:

to let it lead and rule,
to call for and change me,
not to use as a tool
to help and make me free

(though, it can do that well)
the old me's not what would
or should be saved from hell
(dump for what won't be good).

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