
After a night at the Milestone again...looking at Matthew's version of this

Mark 11March
Tramp. Tramp.
He wa*lks into Jeru*salem
and looks ar*ound in the te*mple
then go*es away to hi*de
for the n*ight, tramp tramp!

*             *
In the mo*rning he, “on ro*ute”
to cle*ar the temple for a sh*am,
cu*rses a fig tree with no fr*uit!
(no fr*uit); tramp, tra*mp!
Clea*ns out the tem*ple, tea*ches the peo*ple,
ma*kes the lea*ders re*ally ri*led;
then go*es away to hi*de
for the n*ight,
tramp tramp!
* *

looks for free fo*od from a tr*ee
on the si*de of the ro*ad,
sleeps outsi*de of the cit*y
& ca*rries on (a heavy loa*d
on his ba*ck), like a soldie*r, wh*o long has mar*ched;
or a ho*meless bum: sto*mach empty, thro*at par*ched!

Next da*y his students see the tre*e
and mar*vel at the cha*nge.
He sa*ys “Have faith in God - (like m*e),
& forgi*ve, or be estra*nged,
estrang*ed fro*m your Go*d you'd b*e..”.

and those the*re surely sa*w
how estran*ged the leaders where from h*e
-who pu*shed them all the mo*re,
unti*l their motive:“fe*ar of man”, showed out- & fi*nally*
…..he pla*yed no mo*re their Que*stion Games of “La*w”.

Tramp. Tramp.

♪♫♪♫ This reminds me of a song we sang as kids: We’re on the homeward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. ♪♫ ♪
We’re on the homeward trail. Tramp. ♪♫♪♫ Tramp. Tramp. Sins forgiven, bound for heaven, going home. Tr-
amp, Tramp. Tramp. ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪♫ We’re on the homeward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. We’re on the home-
ward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Sins forgiven, bound for heaven, going home Tramp, Tramp.
Tramp. We’re on the homeward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. We’re on thehomeward trail. Tramp
Tramp. Tramp. Sins forgiven, bound for heaven, going home Tramp, Tramp. Tramp.
We’re on the homeward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. We’re on the homeward trail.
Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Sins forgiven, bound for heaven, going home Tramp, Tramp.
Tramp. ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ Tramp. Tramp. Sins forgiven, bound for heaven, going home Tra-
mp, Tramp. Tramp. We’re on the homeward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. We’re on
the homeward trail. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Sins forgiven, bound for heaven, going ..

We're On The Homeward Trail | Action Songs For Boys And Girls, Vol. 2
We're On The Homeward Trail | Singspiration Gospel Songs And Choruses, Vol. 2

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