There’s (little) things that show responses to
requests that we have made, of you, our God.
I just thought how the kind of things you do
might be adjusted by the things we’ve got,
which might, in turn, affect our very view
of how we see, relating you to what
does happen round about us here with who
the God within our head thinks of us lot.
We might think (for we have propensities
to do this - ’less we listen to your word
to us, and choose to look up, (from our knees)
that is, from asking self: “What have you heard?
How do you understand this? What’s the point?
And how have you responded, once anoint-
ed by the “judge & ruler” of this joint? -
The One to whom you must soon give account.)..
We might think that you are a bit like us,
and that could be a fact, and say what’s true.
But still we have the trouble & the fuss
of working out which bits? And what to do?
We often ask such small things, from small minds,
not caring to see how the whole she-bang
is meant to work together, then we’ll find
small answers to requests from where we hang
about, and learn to learn from you (instead
of getting you to listen up to us!).
Your love leads you to help us - lift our heads,
& note all that is serendipitous.
God’s word to Israel, through his prophets: “You thought I was like you!”
so that's how you saw me, and that's why you tried to make me like you.”
- Jeremiah regarding making a god from a tree in the forest, (or from bits of mineral, vegetable, or …)”
(You shrunk me down to your level, and used the likeness that was supposed to be there (I told you it was there) between you and me, not to help you grow up to be like your Father in heaven, but to try to shrink me down to be like you. You’re so peevish, you thought I was peevish. You’re so legalistic, you thought I was legalistic. You’re so controlling, you thought I must be controlling. You’re so task oriented and loveless, you thought I must be like you. Shrinking this whole Universe of amazing possibilities down to the small task that can fit in your small mind at the moment. Instead of using the scriptures to get a sense of the themes and motives that get God going, and learning to adopt those for yourself, you use the scriptures to find a record of the themes and motives that get you going, and shrink the Grand Narrative to a self serving story to gain and maintain your power structures, and give you a sense of importance & comfort.)
Jesus said to some of the leaders of his day: “You teachers of the Lore of God, and you Pharisees, who honour the Lore of God, you do the minutae, like tithing your garden herbs, but miss the large themes of the Grand Narrative. Go and learn what is meant by the Justice and Mercy/Love of God”.
The old people of God were commanded in the Torah: 2Remember the long way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, in order to humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commandments….10You shall eat your fill and bless the Lord your God for the good land that he has given you.” Deuteronomy 8:2,10 NRSVUE) paraphrased: “When you enter your own land, you must bless the Lord, else you will start to think that you have got here by yourself, and become arrogant and self righteous.”
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