

family, tribe, nation, kind

It’s words that help communicate and paint

a diff’rent kind of picture - in our minds.

So helpful to us - though sometimes just  quaint.

But disconnected from culture they bind

us in our model worlds labelled with names,

the categories all defined to hold,

to capture living breathing things in games -

not knowing them and growing to be bold

within relationship with fellows here.

Life then becomes a scrabbl’ing to define.

It’s fine to hold it up on hand - to peer

and give the choice to fly away -not “Mine!”

At least the mine of ownership - where  owned

as thing alone! - not fellow trav’ler - One

like us - a neighbour. Wrongs can be atoned

for, not as mechanism, but what’s done

when friends relate, and see the world through eyes

of Other, and then choose to deal with  faults,

for immaturities aren’t then despised.

They’re celebrated - steps, and not insults!

And acting on God’s will makes joy abound, 

with point and purpose - meaning don’t demean.

To listen and respond to word or sound

of God who’s moving through his place, to clean

it up, and have a look at how it is,

appreciate the goodness, lend a hand

where he is asked. For even though it’s his,

we also are God’s people. Help us stand.


  • Sometimes we forget that words are themselves metaphors for the realities they represent. Also we’re using metaphor in other ways each time we draw a picture using lines on paper to represent something or someone, or when we make a sculpture connected to life.

  • We are responding to the word of God, and fulfilling our reason d'etre (reason for being), and and then fulfilling our beings, whenever we make this physical world serve the human project (which is God’s blessing on us): of ruling it in overall thoughtfulness for its good, & commitment to its good, and therefore listening to other points of view e.g.  its own indications of good, to understand it in reality. This may involve things as varied as learning to .. dig deep holes, bend steel,  hold weights, kiss my woman well, understand the physical world, understand the chemical world, understand the social world, understand the psychological world of humans, horses, etc). These can be proper and wonderful  responses to a word from our God, and can together make up a life of proper response to him (prayer).

  • For us, response come before, and as the start of, true initiation.


Neighbour down the road…

Text2me: Paul, just to let you know, Bob was found by the police semi conscious and he’s been taken by an ambulance to the hospital, thank God.

Text prayer:

Amen. Thank you God. Please bring on your grace

your love which is strong and secure.

And help him return, and also to face

his maker with trust that's demure.

Learning to learn to Rule…

(by the pow'r of love)

Though God, we love the way you dinkum ARE -

the way you do your rule and love your kids,

and let your children choose, at least so far

as they can, and are able; hit the skids

please. Why do you give choice to us small dolts -

-and let us now affect your world so much?

We’re like a bunch of small fillies or colts

who’re led into a lib-ra-ry. As such

we might attempt to take some pages in.

Or gobble up a plant or two that grows

within its walls, leave poo trails where we’ve been,

Our understandings won't be then what shows.

Or will be, at the level they exist.

Unless we are made able, we won’t read.

Experience is what will then enlist

capacities to understand, and needs.

“We need to be emotion-al-ly stirred.”

They say so, for it gets reactions and

will then become a selling point;  deferred 

calm thoughts which would critique ourselves can’t stand.

So ruling by a will that’s bigger than

all animal biology in me

(which still provides desires, which drive, and can

reduce & flatten my humanity)

must now be learned. But who could help me grow?

Who has shown us what a god can do?

I see enough, to say that I now know

my only teacher worth that term is you!


A Baby!

(Said in a tone of shock and confusion - see the New Zealant children’s play on the First Christmas)

Text2me: Today we celebrate God's amazing plan to  enter our space and time as a baby and through that baby, named Jesus , to make possible our welcome into God's family.  Praying this day is full of joy as you celebrate with your family.    Much love from John and Mary. XX

Text back: Bless you both. What a lovely gift, going against the grain of this world's way of powerful muscling in, or quiet sneaking in, to take over & control, to "make" things better. When he makes, he creates and gives choice and power to others... He is not trying to coerce, but to woo, to win allegiance - because of (not a fluke, or "one off", but a constant and steadfast, partnership)   seeking glory, honour, and immortality!) [Rom 2:7]

Love to you two too.


Well, what a way we have of sneaking round,

of trying to “on board” as pirates do,

to “make” things as we’d say, both “safe and sound”,

that’s part of painting pictures to the crew

of other ships, to lull them into sleep, 

to trick them to allow us to get close,

so we can get to take control of sheep,

and have both wool and mutton as our dose

of payment for our conquest of defense-

es, that weren’t smart enough to keep us out.

It happens at each level, and each fence,

the closing in - a predator’s about!

But his way still does use the wisdom of

the snake, the dragon, serpent, “worm”, or whore,

but not the motivation, goal, methods

of such, but harmlessness of herbivore*.

The weak and powerless, the common folk,

not thinking of their hidden pow’r that hurts,

but pow’r to heal and laugh, and have a joke,

not at expense of others. Love still spurts

its blood around the place if cut or whipped,

or nailed in place, so its will can’t be done.

I see the fate of scales that have been tipped

and will not act to “make” another one.

Unless it is to make a whole new world,

and make it newly, from the ground up too,

Where no-one enters without love, none hurled,

just born as babies*, then toddlers ensue*.

*            “Humans are blessed by God to rule over all the creatures, but they allow the serpent to rule over them, and this problem starts to enslave and consume them (Gen 1-3); Noah sends out (and receives back) a dove, as a messenger of shalom peace and world-renewal (Gen 8:6-12); Jesus demonstrates growing in Wisdom (Luke 2:40-52); Jesus tells his talmidim (disciples) whom he treated as his children (whom he was sending out to represent his leadership style & method of ruling God's world by loving example) to be as wise as serpents, but as innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16-20); Jesus says he will give his disciples wisdom beyond their adversaries (Luke 21:15); Jesus’ apostle (Ambassador) Paul, a takes the same approach with respect to the wisdom needed and offered in following Jesus (Eph 5:15; Col 3:16; 1Cor 1:21-30; 14:20); and James reiterates this approach (James 1:5; 3:17); Jesus tells  Nicodemus that the entrance to the reign of God was being “born from above” (John 3:1-16); & Jesus tells his disciples that children, far from being powerless irrelevancies and wastes of time, were models of the way to enter God’s reign and retain it (to start again from the bottom of the pile, our entrance to God’s world, learning from YHWH how to be a ruler and judge, a baby god. (Matthew 19:14; Luke 18:16-18).

Mary Christmas..

 Merry Christmas!

Did you know that Christmas celebrations are birthday celebrations? 

I think most people don’t, or they’ve forgotten. One step further, is to remember the mum.

Mary Christmas! Let me remind you about her.

(cf Randy Stonehill’s song)

What made Mary merry on that first Christmas?

Creator promised true, what his messenger spoke,

“A child will come from you with no human father”.

What made Mary merry on that first Christmas?

When her time had come, & then her body broke,

her fir-irst child was born, that’s to Joseph’s "missus".

What made Mary merry on that first Christmas?

When the starlight broke through,

the world’s story (uncloaked)

was then seen by the few, kept awake & a-wild.

What made Mary merry on that first Christmas?

Creator’s sky glory 

seen by ordinary folk,

‘mazing shepherd’s story

- the way they found the child.

What made Mary merry on that first Christmas?

Mary she mused 

& then something awoke

she recalled all this news

and thought deeply ’bout it.

What made Mary merry on that first Christmas?

So Merry Christmas

Mary Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Mary Christmas.

“Don’t deny in the dark what you’ve seen in the light.”

Mary’s remembrance; that’s what linked her with her past 

& gave her presence for the future.

Luke 2:19: Mary remembered all these things she heard them saying (the shepherds), & thought deeply about them.


death” before "birth"


Oh Lord of Life and Master of this world,

where heaven touches Earth again, & stars

keep to their cycles/ places they’ve been hurled;

and others, smaller, like Venus & Mars

appear to wander aimless (to our view)

through skies at night (& day as well, though we

don’t often see them then for blue

curtains draw across the sky we see

and life is focussed daily on this Earth.

But just as much each day we live, since birth

we have the opportunity to see

this Earth in context of eternity!

A bigger world that stoops to hold our home

and knows more grief* than we could dream exists

and still gives out and still provides, and cares

and welcomes and gives space to joy and peace.

And sings a deeper song with pleasures strong,

and focussed on relationships which seem

to eyes of fetal humans sometimes wrong,

because of twists and turns we did not dream

up, or we did dream up an awful lot 

of nightmares - well they came into our heads.

Oh God we give back to you what we’ve got

and thank you for the weeks and days instead

that have been gifted by creative love

to us, to give and not expect return.

And in this way join with life from above,

as songs of joy & peace and grief* we learn.

*  “And God saw.. that it was … good/ very good” x 7 (Genesis 1: 4,10, 12,18, 21, 25, 31); “The LORD saw … And the LORD was sorry that he had made humans on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.”(Genesis 6:5-6 NRSVUE

"How blessed those who grieve. They will find comfort!." (Matt 5:4)