
Scheduling time with ............... ........... groups of kin and kith .......... ........... in order to serve .................. help them keep their nerve


thanks for this body
you have put us in.
Sometimes we seem shody;
I think that you grin.

Grin with happiness,
as we learn to stand
'n your council* to bless,
each holding your hand.

Your wise ways display
many dimensions
and colours, we say
it's worth the tensions..

like two eyes which use
different views always;
somehow our brains fuse
them to mirror space

like a hologram,
in our little brain,
3D worlds now can
be there when we deign.

In this new body
you help to create
new ways that godli-
ness can grow and wait

till it's birthing time
comes in your good plan
and all goodness rhymes
"earth, as in heaven"+.


*Jeremiah 23:15-31
+Matt 6:9-10

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