
2. Stories are the containers for holding (& transferring) meaning, and change which means something.

a) from a magazine called "Dumbo Feather" (which is an allusion you would understand if you've TAKEN IN THE STORY OF Dumbo, and could not guess if you haven't). It's subtitle is: PASSION, PURPOSE, COMMUNITY. CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE.

we have an interview with Jane Goodall (a primatologist, who lived with chimpanzees for 25 years), who is passionate about looking after this world & the animals we seem to "have charge of", to learn to live up to that responsibility well.

For her that means we have to change the way we do things, AND HELP OTHERS CHANGE TOO. In passing she comments on CHANGING OUR MINDSETS, seeing that our words are used to craft stories that bring hope, and not letting words (which are meant to be ways of communication to enable life at a bigger, deeper level, with added dimensions) actually stop awe & understanding :

b) the story of a new day starts out for a young man at home, just before he heads off to school; he sits still for a friend to practice his drawing:

c) then on the way home from Newcastle (Newey, as she is affectionately called by those who love her), I saw this in a coffee shop:

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