
light on life, .......................................being quite near ...to the end of this year. Reflections on world-view... [If.your.eye.becomes.dark,how.dark.will.life.be.for.you?]

Reflections and shadows are somewhat like lenses, if the surface which holds the shadow, or forms the reflection is not flat (in the case of shadows on a surface, or reflections formed by a surface) or curved properly (as in the refraction of a lens), we know that the outcome will be "skewey". As with a wobbly world-view lens. Look at the shadow of the straight wire (distinct even from the shadow of the vine): 

Amen, Amen.

Thank you my God, for this year,
so many good things poured out,
all often passed by in fear,
sometimes they bring me more doubt.

Not that good things are doubt's cause;
I've always seen "through my eyes"
and as they grow their own flaws,
'twill be no surprise - to doubt my own eyes;

if light's not transmitted there,
the Sun seems no longer bright,
I'll not be able to share
vistas that once brought delight.

Unless it lives in my soul,
lighting my life from within,
my sight will never be whole
until love's-light has a win.

It's an internal sky-light,
by-passing windows and doors,
and makes for quite a high-light
when you accept that it's yours.

So, I'll open this sky-light,
accept the light (and some breeze),
save my day-room from twilight
grateful for what my eye sees.

YOU give lenses to see with,
and I'll accept what you give.
Father's heart longs to be with
his child; so with you I'll live.

Amen, Amen.

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