
“Turtle” / taught us.

When slowed upon the road we may  blear less.

Today I saw a motorhome fear-less..

It sailed right past, but as it did I saw

the kind of thing that makes you smile and more ..

Upon its back a word was printed clear 

(a word that made me think, and give a cheer),

in letters black the writing could be read -

the word outlined was “Turtle” - all it said.

I missed a picture of it, with its speed,

but now I understand the crying need

for never stopping learning as we go,

no matter how big/ small, or smart, or slow,

For even when we've seen a thing quite true 

and rightly claim it in our lives anew,

there's still a lot of learning left to do.

This must apply to me as well as you. 

And if I see it farther on sometime 

I'm apt to want to take a photo then.

And that'll make me think of more that I'm 

still learning, that i'll have to learn again,

in deeper and more thorough ways, I bet.

I’ll say “Well, bring it on, i'm not there yet!”

For now, I have to laugh and lift my head, 

“I'm growing to maturity instead!”

And further on from that the “Turtle” spoke 

to me of what a “Tortoise” once awoke

within a little boy who heard that tale

of Hare and Tortoise - stories can avail…

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