
Thinking of _ _ _ _ _


God bless you Bobby, don't give up the fight

to rest in your true father, friend, and god;

Our lives are richer, coloured, filled with light

when as a wee small child we know we're odd.. 

Well "odd" by all the standards of this world,

the bell shaped curve did not describe a one

of God's own children, each of them is hurled 

as individual loved daughter or son. 

And oddly, I am loved, and so are you.

I now recall that voice that seemed so odd:

“You’re my beloved child, all that you do

makes me so very pleased that I’m your God.”

And covenant of unity with him,

I think, means that we’ve joined the family.

Just like the five new fam’ly members in

our fam’ly, coz they married “in” - like me.

Decision to be loyal out of love, 

and unity that’s pers’nal with someone;

seem core things that have come down from above.

They mean hard work, but also mean much fun!

And why God is so dumb (’don’t hear his word) -

to take on children who are just like me

I have no clue. Why yes I do. A bird

just flew down, rested, whispered secretly:

He loves us like we loved our own small kids.

And hopes we’ll turn and be loyal again

and when we “chose our trouble”, hit the skids,

if we won’t hide it, he can heal our shame.

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