
Big innings and outings & endings

At end of day, I close my eyes, it looms.

The thought of night, a bed alone, a room.

Though warmth is there, and memories with friends,

activities, we taught and learned, it wends,

and worms its way in through my ears and eye.

To spell another faithless thought or lie.

I clutch at silver lined thoughts in my mind,

and reach out grasping hands for what I'll find.

The hope inside is dim, forgotten coals.

Just embers glowing faintly in this soul.

I enter into sleep, as if entombed,

as if with all my might this stone to roll.

-- zz --

As morning breaks, and breakfast takes my thoughts,

I turn towards the East, ere this day comes.

That glowing ball of golden light, and warmth,

does much to lift my spirits, and it hums,

this day, with noises out beyond the wall,

of tomb, as suddenly my life returns,

as bee returns to hive again, uncalled,

blank pages of this book, as yet unturned.

And as the day is going, I soon know,

and feel the need to close my eyes, a room,

and darkness that is comforting, it seems,

a hideaway, this baby in the womb.

A poem by "me", this night. 

Well, thank you my good sir, for all  your words,

of sharing and of caring for what's real.

You've thought about what happens, and "absurd"

surmisings which occur, and which we feel…

As he who felt forsaken in his hour

of desperation, feeling quite alone;

yet thought of Mum left pieced through by some pow'r,

and asked a mate to take her to his home.

And also asked the one he left to take

what vengeance might be needful, to forgive

the people who were killing him, though fake.

I think he knew they hadn't really lived.

Since all men die, it's just not all here live.

And as he said, "Man, who made me your Judge?"

He left that job to God. Asked he'd forgive.

Imperative that his heart did not budge

from following the spirit of the lore

of life, and love, that scattered all around

his gifts of rain that came to rich and poor,

to "righteous" and to "wicked", on this ground

that's holy, since Creator God himself,

has walked upon it, and had food with friends

here on this Earth (that ain't in such good health)

since some divorced the means from all their ends.

And at the end of his life here in  time

(as so it seemed to some folk there back then),

he said a children's bed-time prayer, and chimed:

"Into your hands my spirit I commend."


Left His Mark Upon the World


Extra verses of poetry to go along with Mark 1 (maybe after poetry verse 5, or after ch 10.. before Bartimaeus? OR at the very END, of ch 16, i.e. instead of 16:9)

He rules not like the Rulers of this Earth,

not after fame or notoriety

(he never speaks of stuff around his birth,

- except what LOSES popularity)!

His RULE is never "top-down" or "imposed"

from outside, on those underneath his rule,

and in this WAY, it's not a RULE like those 

who came before, or after. He's "A fool!

- according to the Nietzsche's of this world,

to whom the POWER to MAKE, makes SUPERMAN!

Love's WAY has creativity en-curled

within, to bring new life. And it began!

Its leader leads by invitation though,

and never by the force-of-arms on folk,

he'd lead those who in suff'ring here below

will prove that Resurrected Life's no joke!

For them the fear of Death, has lost its sting,

and those who would so willingly get born

into their 3rd - new body… here's the thing…

would side with his own faithful love each morn.

The "Adam" of this new Real Human race,

the first of many coming to God's Earth,

within a generation will outpace 

the mortal versions, seen for what they're worth..

a lot, as embryos, who could grow. Not

themselves,.. they're more a nuisance, better gone..

if they can't trust who gave us all we've got..

a toilet flush, and we'll be moving on..

For all the new selves come to walk with God

within his Earth, this garden, temple, home,

will no more choose to USE as a despot,

but serve, to help develop, as a SHOM-

ER*, steward, or a keeper, under one;

Ambasador, who represents a king 

and country they are citizens there from

(and mostly born to it through suffering).

This RESURRECTION, can seem like a child's 

naivete that's sees this world as heav-

-y with bright hope and mystery, and wild

stuff, full of awe; on Earth, as it's in Heav-


* SHOMER, for the BIG job humanity was made for, the work of ruling, like God rules ( out of a fulness that NEEDS NOTHING, HAS AN ABUNDANCE, and that "rules" in order to serve. It was the job of Adam in the Garden that God planted in Eden, when he was put there to 'tend and care for it". A steward, or gardener for another. It appears to me that it may well be related to the words SHOMA, the Hebrew word () report, news, rumour, fame & related to the word SHEMA [to actually listen to (and act on) another's words].


grateful mateful

Sounds like things are opening up here too, …. I've gotta be gone, I think, by 12 pm. I've got some "silver sark" here with me, a full roll, and a good nail gun, to drop off to you if you think you'll need it, or else I'll bring it with me late next week if your house is naked by then

So, let me tell you that That could

be now for me so very good.

And too, that coffee on the side-

side-walk is public, and is fine.

Thought that I'd help ol' Dunk the punk

some time today, so i just thunk

to ask what time you might come near,

to not miss on your giftig cheer.


purr puss

Imagine if my purpose was implied 

by what and who I am, and what I do.

Unworded, if it just was there un-spied,

but purposing each thing I say to you.

A purpose, or a reason so to be, 

do not appear to those who look - at first.

When first you see a critter, you just "see",

them there. Be that for better, or for worse.

'Til after knowing them a bit, you'll be

some wiser, and you might - from what you've learned,

then re-alize that hidden mystery,

involving motives (and the things they've spearned)

so that they're there- and what they'll likely do!

We find our purpose by what helps us most

to come alive and thrive, to be a true -

true person, man or woman, not just ghost,

but partner in the serving of a world,

of people, living creatures, forces, stuff.

The reason we are here is likely curled

within OUR story. Our genes ain't enough,

but, they're a start, and then along with care,

and op-port-un-it-ies for "hand in glove"

the carriers of culture take their share,

and altogether build each other up.

So ecosystem word, but each one too,

must carry what they can, and join the purr,

and pose the question "What good thing to do?" -

our lives show what our answers might be worth.


www. thE.brEakE/ fast

There's something broken inside me, I see:

I've claimed the right, quite arbitrarilly

- the right to have who might be over me

(responsibly, or in authority),

to be appropriate, to fit the task.

Now I don't doubt it's right for them to be

like that, to model fairness, live justly,

when they receive, to do so gratefully.

But why should I get such? That's what I ask.

The stories of this world - all history

is full of tyrants, selfish in their glee

to get their own desires, powers that be

able to be wielded, and to mask

and cover up their face, identity

is somehow covered up, so they can't be

well traced, and have to face the music, we

know that's the common lot of those who bask

within the race of us, humanity.

This biting of the bullet cynic'ly,

is what I didn't want to do, to free

more demons to the body in the cask.

These "models" (as advertisements we see),

say our desires are sacred and must be

just met, if we're to get well, clean and free.

And in this way they cover up the farse.

C-cover nuver lie from gods like thē

Acceptance god (loves power, things, money),

- shrinks love to greed, insatiability.

So now it's clear, I'm changing worlds. And fast!


On the anniversary of her birthday!


The day that she was born I'll gladly bless.

A third child - to her Mum and Dad, I guess.

And younger sister to both Anne & Hans,

and God was op'nin up his deeper plans.

She loved her languages, and learned for fun,

communicating with folk who would run

from idleness, they wanted to explore,

so tried out other cultures, other shores.

She ended up infected by that too,

so off she went with Rotary, and a few

of other students from around the world,

to Portugueses Brazil, where something curled

and waited till her scepticism waned,

before unleashing life, that won't be tamed

by just our expectations and our plans,

the life of God himself, bigger than Man's,

or Woman's, for it gives itself away

to others, as a hose can do each day,

without just running out of liquid gold,

because it is connected, truth be told,

to reservoirs of water being filled

with every rain that falls. It's mostly skilled

at letting go and then, receiving more,

so living things can grow, & cleaning lores

could be emancipated, in real life.

I'm glad that she said "Yes!", became my wife,

and joined in on the good of fam-il-y.

She's worked with God to bless us. 'Specially me!

Paul L. WALKER, ORANGE, NSW, 2800.



Thought experiment


exploring the concept of presence (Live Google Doc)

Regarding creatures or beings acknowledging each other's presence, as creatures or beings, &, as the kind of creatures or beings that they are.

Setting the scene..

(Chapter 1) 

A man walks out in a field, down a road or track he has never been on before, through a grassy landscape, near a paddock. A large beast (horse, mule, or cow, bull) in the paddock looks up and sees the man.

Now, let's get a list of various scenarios of ..

..What happens next?..

(these are possible Chapter 2’s)

...[and, Questions that might help open up each scenario, or lead on to others, or increase the helpfulness of them in exploring the concept of presence].

  1. (Bla, bla.) No response. The man overlooks the beast, and keeps walking at the same pace, the same distance from the edge of the same road/track. The beast  keeps grazing, hardly even looking or keeping track (it perceives no threat, no advantage, nothing to do with the man) if the grass is greener towards the man the beast might move more in that direction, if in the other direction, they might move in that. … [Qs: What creatures/ beings inhabited that scenario? Is grass a creature? Is there a difference in the large beast's understanding of the presence of greener grass and the presence of the man? The track or road the man is walking on was produced by.. Who or what? Is the man aware of this? Is the beast aware of this? Are there any snakes in the grass nearby? ]

  1. (Blah, bla.) The man becomes curious. What sort of animal is that? A horse, or a donkey? It looks similar to both, but not really either. He hasn’t seen (in the flesh) a mule before, and he supposes that that must be what this animal is. He slowly wanders over towards it, trying not to scare it. But trying to get close, to get a good look. The mule is completely unaffraid, unconcerned, and un-interested. It continues to look for good grass and to tear it off vigorously, munching it up noisily. But it is whiley, and won’t be tricked by human whiley-ness, it won’t be tricked into working unless it must! … [Qs: Has the mule been a pack animal in the past? Why do we humans have mules? Have YOU ever seen a mule up close? Are mules as stubborn as donkeys? Can mules ever be friendly? Are they any different because they are sterile? Like is a male mule as dangerous as a stallion, or jack ass? Is a female mule kind of softer, or more motherly?]

  1. (Bla, blab) The man walks down the track, with no special interest in the beast, almost as though he hadn't seen it. Other parts of the landscape draw his attention. The beast, on the other hand, is immediately curious towards the man whose track will bring him close to the paddock a bit further down. The beast starts moving towards the fence at the point where the track will come close to it, getting quicker as it goes, till it is trotting, wickering softly, .… [Qs: What connections has this beast had with humans before? Did the beast know this human in the past? - or did the human just look like someone this beast knew in the past? Was it expecting food? How long has this beast lived in this paddock? Do other people go for walks along this track too? - people who give the beast things? Does this beast remember (something, or someone)?]

  1. Blahh, blabb… []

  2. Blaf, bla… []

  3. Bla, blaf… []

  4. Blaff, blaff… []

  5. Blahh, blaff… []

  6. Blahg, blabg… []

  1. Bla, bla… []

  2. Bla, bla… []

  3. Bla, bla… []

  4. Bla, bla… []


Bla = unconcerned, not curious, not fearful, a human.

bla = unconcerned, not curious, not fearful, a beast

Blah= bit curious human

blab= bit curious beast

Blaf= bit fearful human

blaf= bit fearful beast

Blahh=lot curious human

blabb= lot curious beast

Blaff= lot fearful human

blaff= lot fearful beast

g= there is a group of these.. Men or beasts.




During the COVID19 pandemic in the small city of Orange, two nights ago, (about 7:30pm?) when we were video chatting with our daughter and her husband, she said… " oh there's someone at the door… the bell just rang"… she disappeared, then returned with an unopened box of 

 chocolate icecreams… which they then started to eat. We all tried to guess who would have done this - - no note or other indication. Then 15 or twenty min later, my wife said,"That was our doorbell" (i didn't hear it), she got up, and returned with a box of different chocolate icecreams. She thought she saw a small silvery(?) hatchback car driving away from our house down the street. We looked up and whispered thank you. My wife texted a thank you to someone with a little hatchback-ish silvery car we knew, she replied that it wasn't  her. The next day we thanked our Son in Law's mother.. it wasn't  her she said; then we left a message of thanks to another owner of a little hatchback, he rang this morning to say "Not me!", but he had heard of a couple who planned and executed a treat drop a few weeks ago. This morning i got a text from our other daughter who currently lives in our town to ask if we'd dropped some nice icecreams in to their place two nights back. I said "Nope!", and explained our situation. She guessed it was her sister. I said it wasn't,  but it had happened to them too. I told her about that other couple, but she said she had got some bickies from them, but they had said it was from them… 

A phantom blesser!

Um Hmm... the plot is thick-en-ing just now.

We've heard of others who have had this thing

occur to them, as well, a knock or ring

of door-bell, and a package there somehow.

Just sitting at the door, a yummy treat,

like havaharts or drumsticks, chock a block

with special care and thought to where they dock.

No note, or indication, even bleat..

to give us here id-e-as of who sent

these goodies, to enhance the love and care,

of who'd be blessed that night that they were there

on doorsteps of some people who've been lent

a life on Earth, for over twenty years.

The only hint we have is "Small Hatchback

that's silvery", and trav'ling down the track.

Then whispered "Thank you" 's, killing off our fears.

Some clear denials, still no better off

at tracking who this culprit is who would

to sev'ral households plan to do such good,

but not to get their thank you's here. Tov*, tov!

*  "tov", is the old Hebrew word for "good"; "tov tov" means "very good".


a state of be-ing is & will be-com-ing..

Some sensate thoughts and insights there. I feel glad that you can intuit these things and express them. They echo so much of the Spirit, Soul, Body frame that has become meaningful to me and receiving God's Spirit as the Presence in my life is an added dimension for me to quietly meditate upon!.

much love in His Presence. A Friend. ... "He is not far from everyone of us" Acts 17:27

Yes, for,

"it is in him, (in his presence)

that we (really) live,

and move,

and have our being"*

Yes, help us please, oh God of gods & men,

that we might please you who makes all things new.

For you are not "grown up" as often meant -

a static spot, a state, as solids do

"inhabit" - till they change their state to gas,

or liquid in between (all metaphors).

You keep on moving, flowing, which alas

is disconcerting for our major flaws

which are somehow to be ourselves the gods

in charge, to make worlds be, as we ourselves

are now. But then we miss what we have got

somehow, because of fe-ars and bad healths..

We miss that we ourselves are still in growth,

developing is what we are in fact.

The oldest one of us has lost their troth

with truth, if we think "We've arrived" - or act

like that. And in Ezek’yel's visions he

saw living creatures melded, not just one,

with mechanisms turning twisting-ly

and moving up and down, like Earth and Sun

and all the planets, spinning in their course.

As we might think "electrons spinning round",

Or river that looks stationary because

it keeps to bound-ar-ies, but they are found

by looking where the water stops, or starts,

upon the ground, and even when it's still

it's moving right along. And then our hearts

start beating quicker, maybe always will,

perceiving the adventure that's in store

if we would cross this water-way ourselves,

we might land on another kind of shore.

Your states can change and move, as most can tell.

*  According to the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, from the opening invocation to Zeus of the poem, Phaenomena, by Aratus, (flourished c. 315–c. 245 BC, Macedonia), Greek poet of Soli in Cilicia (site accessed 2021 Sept 08 at 10:35am), and then

quoted back to the Athenian philosophers, by Paul, an early emissary of Jesus (called the Messiah).