
on seeing (likenesses)

 (An Aussie Psalm)

Creative love, there's times when I do see 

you're hand effecting this world around me 

I suppose I asked you to do that, to be 

still open to co-operation free-

ly letting me join in as best I can

(through all the suff-er-ing each woman/ man

must go through to allow the will of God 

(the father of Yeshua) to be what

my life is tuned to follow, more than my - 

my own desires (worked out not as a team

with all creative love, just my small mind).

I'm thinking what co-operation means:

A venture where there's more than one involved

as operators to contribute to

the outcome, now there's one problem that’s solved:

If you let me co-operate, then you

must still be operating, in some way,

Though I can gain a lot from what you say

or said at first, about us ruling Earth:

you might curtail your choice, for what that’s worth.

As surely you did, in your naming scheme,

so you named Sky, and Sea, & then dry Land,

But when it came to animals it seems

you gave that job to your kids. They began

developing nomenclature and ways

of naming things, because of likenesses

(not so amazing; As the good book says:

we are (together) likenesses of this.

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